2 Wheel Drive Trucks Vs 4 Wheel Drive Trucks

What are the advantages of owning a 2 wheel drive pickup truck?

Well, for one, it can have an overall better capability than a 4 wheel drive truck. People often mistakenly think that because a 4 wheel drive truck can go off-road, that it is more capable. But in reality, a 2 wheel drive truck can do just as much if not more with the right configuration.

Towing Capacity

If you want the most tow capacity in any type of pickup truck, choose a 2-wheel drive truck. This is because a 2-wheel drive truck has a lower curb weight, but the same gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR). This means that your payload capacity has increased because of this. A 4-wheel drive truck might give you 5500 lb payload capacity in a single rear wheel configuration, but you can go up to 7500 lb or more in a dual rear wheel configuration.

Generally speaking, the best trucks for towing are 2-wheel drive dually pickups. This is because they have more room for payload capacity and can handle heavier pin weights, which increases the total weight of a trailer that they can tow. For some people, a 2-wheel drive truck may be the best choice depending on what they are doing.

Fuel Economy

Another benefit of a 2 wheel drive vehicle is that it can get better fuel economy in some cases. You can see an improvement of up to 30% when you compare fuel economy between a 2 wheel and 4 wheel drive vehicle.

When you have a two-wheel drive configuration, it is much easier to move the truck due to rolling resistance. This is because there is less weight on each axle and there are fewer driveshafts and differentials that need to be driven. As a result, this can lead to better fuel economy as well.

Maintenance Costs

A 2-wheel drive vehicle has fewer parts that can break. This means there is less chance that something will go wrong with your car and you will have to spend money fixing it. Additionally, 4-wheel drive vehicles require additional electronics and controls, which can be expensive to maintain.

Benefits Of A 4 Wheel Drive Truck

The obvious benefit is that you can go off-road. This is the type of truck that is designed for people who want to take their vehicle camping, hiking or regularly have to go on unpaved roads. A 4x4 truck will have no problem getting through rough terrain that would stop a 2 wheel drive truck.

Traction - In poor weather conditions, a 4x4 truck will have much better traction than a 2 wheel drive. This is because the weight is evenly distributed over all four tires.

Climbing - If you need to go up a hill or incline, a 4x4 truck will be able to do it with ease.

Where going off road is not the primary purpose of the truck, it is used more in emergency situations such as bad weather or other natural disasters. When roads are closed or impassable, a 4x4 truck can provide the only means of getting around.

Resell Value

Generally speaking you're going to save by opting for a two-wheel drive version over 4 wheel drive version. However this will depend totally on the specific configuration you choose.


A four-wheel drive truck is a more desirable vehicle when it comes time to sell it or trade. It might have cost you a little bit more, but it is worth it in the end.

Car Buying Tips Everyone Can Use

How Much Car Can You Afford?

In order to find out how much you can afford, lenders will want to know your gross monthly income and your existing monthly debts. To calculate your maximum monthly debt, simply add up your monthly expenses including:

- Mortgage or rent payments

- Loan payments

- Credit card payments

- Childcare costs

- Alimony or child support payments

- Any other regular expenses

Find the Right Car

There are a lot of cars on the market today, which can make it difficult to narrow down your choices. For example, if you have a family or travel frequently with friends, you’re going to want a bigger car vs looking for a car just to commute back and forth to work. Another thing to consider is how much you’re willing to spend on gas each month.

Before you start shopping for a car, sit down and think about what you need:

- How many people will regularly ride with you?

- Do you drive long distances often or stick mainly to city streets?

- What style of car do you prefer? Are certain colors or brands more important to you than others?

- What kind of special features are must-haves for your ideal vehicle (e.g. heated seats, built in navigation)?

Once you have a good idea of the basics, it’s time to make a list of pros and cons for each candidate that fits your budget so that you can decide on the best option for YOU.

The Law of Supply & Demand

After you've chosen a few cars within your budget, it's time for some investigating. Initially, you'll want to find out if there are a lot of cars on the market for that make and model. The more common the car, you'll have more options to find one in your price range

Cars in high demand tend to cost more than those in low demand because there are more people looking to buy them.

If you've found the perfect car, it's now time to secure financing. We work with reputable lenders who will work hard to get you the best rates for your budget. they'll provide different payment options based on your down payment, income and credit score.

Are You Ready To Buy Your Next Car?

Follow the steps above and you'll be on your way to finding an affordable car that meets all of your needs. Don't forget, we're here to help you every step of the way. Contact us today and let us know how we can help you get behind the wheel of your dream car.